Cashless Pioneer: 91PP as the First Waitrr Only Restaurant

Cashless Pioneer: 91PP as the First Waitrr Only Restaurant

If you long for the Grilled Salmon Bowl at 91PP, don’t bother bringing cash or card! Because it accepts orders from Waitrr only! 91PP, as its name suggests, is a modern casual bistro literally located at 91 Pasir Panjang. The restaurant is famous for quick, delicious and healthy meal prep bento, along with all-new daily Asian-influenced specials.

91PP serves up quick, delicious and healthy meal preps for busy executives during lunch hours

91PP serves up quick, delicious and healthy meal preps for busy executives during lunch hours

Walking in 91PP, one will be surprised that they get rid of bulky card-reader and POS system. No more cashier, but easier operation, faster service, and smoother customer experience.

“A new health-conscious fast-service meal prep concept comes at 91PP”, says Vanessa, the founder of 91PP. “Going ‘Waitrr only’ makes perfect sense for us since our diners are all app-savvy and it definitely helps us lower manpower cost, which is a huge cost factor for new start-ups.”Indeed, the labor shortage has become the biggest issue inSingapore. Finance minister Heng Swee Keat announced tighter rules regarding foreign labour in the service sector, exacerbating the shortage still further. Having employees just ordering food on POS is not worthwhile – they should have been working on food and service that add real value.

Tim Wekezer, the co-founder and CEO of Waitrr Pte. Ltd says “Glad we can help make a great experience for customers and the restaurant. We are looking forward to the Waitrr-only model being the first tie-up of many restaurants.”

By nightfall, 91PP becomes a chill-out bistro for friends and family to unwind and relax

By nightfall, 91PP becomes a chill-out bistro for friends and family to unwind and relax

Speed Up Transactions

It’s noon, your stomach is growling after two important meetings. What you need is only a quick meal so as to squeeze some time for a snap. But what do you find? Three long payment queues out the door! It’s certain that you will drop out to other restaurants and decide not to come back during lunch rush anymore.

Don’t let the queue scare your customers away!

After taking a seat, guests read through the menu on Waitrr and place the order by simply scanning the QR code on the table. This completely frees up employees for food preparation and front-of-house hospitality, leading to a 20% rise in table turnover rate. You should have had 20% more capacity!

For most of the quick-service restaurants, payment lines are always much longer than pick-up lines. The cashier has to transfer the selected food from the paper menu to POS system one by one, so the ordering and payment fall far behind the food preparation process. Registers are the bottleneck for speeding up the service. A customer fiddling in a change-purse, or a customer digging around the handbag for a credit card can slow down the overall speed of service.

Waitrr enables kitchens to receive orders directly from customers by allowing them to order from anywhere and then pick up at their desired timing and convenience. Without handling order and payment, restaurants can serve more guests in far less time. On average, restaurants using Waitrr see a 40% increase in staff efficiency.

Cut Down Costs

Under the big picture of labor shortage, staff wages have a significant influence on any restaurant’s bottom line. Why not fulfil their potential at hospitality instead of having them stay fixed to the cash register?

Hassels do not end at the checkout counter. Dealing with cash also brings about manual computation, account reconciliation, cash deposit, etc. Electronic payment methods filter out tedious and non-value-added after-hours work. At the end of the shift, managers do not need to cash up at tills and do the accounting anymore. Because all the digital transactions are recorded in a clear and concise way. There is no way discrepancy can be made.

Some may worry: “but some customers only pay by cash…”

For many fast-casual restaurants, cash only accounts for a small part of takings, but processing it can take a disproportionate amount of time. A good method to evaluate if going cashless fits your business: simply dividing the sales in cash by the total sales. Is this proportion of sales really worth the cost of processing cash?

Smarter CRM

Most clients pay anonymously using cash or cards. It’s impossible to understand their purchase behaviours or reward them for loyalty.

As Waitrr completely records your customers’ transactions, you will capture data including ordering patterns, taste preference, favourite sizes, seasonal fluctuations etc. Countless use cases lie behind these customer data. For instance, Waitrr uses it to develop a loyalty program for each user by getting a digital loyalty card stamped automatically with every purchase.

Operational Ease

Just count how many payment logos a register has, one can imagine how heavy the burden is to manage all of them. Different terminals and technologies for each payment method already give operators a headache, not to mention the high up-front investment, long commitment, unclear transaction charges. Hence 91PP goes Waitrr only so as to eliminate the hassle of shifting among multiple platforms and terminals.

Waitrr also provides customers incomparable operational ease: with our upcoming PWA version (Progressive Web App), people can use the functions of Waitrr App on browsers!

User Interface of Waitrr

User Interface of Waitrr

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