What can F&B owners expect with Waitrr?
The number one challenge restaurants have faced for the longest time is the recruitment and retainment of service staff. A third of a restaurant's expenses often goes towards manpower. When a restaurant recruits an employee, a lot of time and energy is spent in training them. Unfortunately, the restaurant industry has a high turnover rate, which often leaves them having to start the process of recruitment and training all over again.
With Waitrr's help:
- Restaurants can free up staff capacity so that they are not required to hire the extra four or five people they have been trying to hire for so long.
- Through increased table turnover by automating the order and payment process, customers will come and go faster, henceforth increasing the restaurant's revenue.
Turnover your tables faster with Waitrr.
- Through automated upselling (providing options to include add-ons) and cross-selling (encouraging the purchase of extra items to compliment your customer's purchase), restaurants increase the average spend per plate by 20%.
Automate your upselling and cross-selling to increase your average spend per plate
Here are some frequently asked questions:
What business results can I expect?
Reduced costs
- Many of our restaurant partners have reported that they have reduced their headcount and/or increased their operational efficiency, by 40%.
Increased revenue
- Increased table-turns through faster ordering and payment
- Through automated up-selling & cross-selling, Waitrr's restaurant partners increase average spend per customer by 20%.
What is the onboarding process like?
With Waitrr, you can expect white-glove service. By providing us with a copy of your menu (any format), we will digitise it for you, create the QR codes for your tables, upload your restaurant into our backend, and you can go live in as little as 48 hours! The onboarding process can be done in person or via video call - easy!
Streamline the ordering and payment process by letting your diners order via QR code
How do I process refunds?
Simple. Waitrr will provide you with access to the backend portal, where you will be able to see orders and process refund in a few clicks.
How do I manage '86-d' items?
This too can be managed via the same backend portal. You simply need to disable the menu items/modifiers that have been '86-d', all within 3 seconds.
What is Waitrr's customer service like, and what do I do if I need help?
Waitrr sets up a Whatsapp support group for every single restaurant they onboard. Restaurant partners can simply send a quick message via the chat, and we will reply within 15 minutes or less.
Contact us here for more information!
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