Waitrr is technology in your back pocket!
Despite the ambitious title, your smart device is exactly that. At least in restaurants utilising BYOD (bring your own device) order technology.
Everybody loves to get good service, and an engaging, friendly waiter can make or break your restaurant experience. But with Singapore's ever tightening labor crunch for F&B, the version already living in your pocket is the alternative both restaurants and their clientele have to engage with.
Don't wait on being waited on - the Waitrr is right in your pocket
It's not all bad though, once you realise that ours, Waitrr, is always there for you as soon as you scan the QR code available at our restaurant partners. It will never be grumpy and will always take its time showing you the entire menu, with descriptions and recommendations. You will always be the first and last guest on its mind, it won't play favourites. The digital Waitrr experience will leave you wanting to order more with its great recommendations and personal suggestions.
Once you have enjoyed your drinks and food and paid online (all within a few taps on your phone), the question remains - will you be sharing your feedback on this amazing piece of technology before putting it back in your pocket?
Leave a quick feedback after you have enjoyed your meal!
Contact us at Waitrr and see how easy we make your ordering needs!
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